Windfall Data

Providing actionable consumer financial data

Series B
Data & AI


Arup Banerjee

Dan Stevens

Cory Tucker


San Francisco



Windfall has built a proprietary database for net worth data, which is much more useful in many use cases then the traditional income metric.  Windfall currently helps both nonprofits and companies reach donors and customers based on net worth as well as other information such as a ‘propensity to give’ score that is particularly helpful to non-profits. While there are many ways to estimate someone’s income, net worth is a much trickier target with much broader potential applications. Windfall’s customer base includes names such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation, University of Michigan, and Wheels Up. CEO Arup Banerjee had previously worked at Radius, also a data company. 


Arup Banerjee


San Francisco



Windfall has built a proprietary database for net worth data, which is much more useful in many use cases then the traditional income metric.  Windfall currently helps both nonprofits and companies reach donors and customers based on net worth as well as other information such as a ‘propensity to give’ score that is particularly helpful to non-profits. While there are many ways to estimate someone’s income, net worth is a much trickier target with much broader potential applications. Windfall’s customer base includes names such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation, University of Michigan, and Wheels Up. CEO Arup Banerjee had previously worked at Radius, also a data company.